[水稻病虫害防治] 稻瘿蚊用什么药防治?_中国农业网_农林网_种植...
稻田施足基肥,早施追肥,使禾苗早生快发,减少无效分蘖,及时排水晒田,加强栽培管理,加速幼穗分化形成,可以抑制稻瘿蚊的入侵。 3、稻瘿蚊的主要天敌是寄生蜂,其中以黄柄黑蜂为优势种。采取湿播早育,培育老壮秧,使秧田小气候干燥,改善生态环境,以利寄生蜂活动。 4、采用药剂防治,在早稻标葱多的地区,晚稻播种前每亩...
nonglinzhongzhi.com/a/8/2017/0507/34... 2023-6-18
具体交易流程可“点击这里”查看或咨询support@goldenname.com。 我要购买>> Process Overview: 4.cn is a world leading domain escrow service platform and ICANN-Accredited Registrar, with 6 years rich experience in domain name brokerage and over 300 million RMB transaction volume every year. We promise...
www.nonglinzhongzhi.com/a/1/2017/050... 2024-8-19
具体交易流程可“点击这里”查看或咨询support@goldenname.com。 我要购买>> Process Overview: 4.cn is a world leading domain escrow service platform and ICANN-Accredited Registrar, with 6 years rich experience in domain name brokerage and over 300 million RMB transaction volume every year. We promise...
www.nonglinzhongzhi.com/a/1/2017/050... 2024-8-20