

造句 菜谱 歌词 英文造句 英文歌词 词库+gigantism造句 1. The gigantism the local plants amazed the tourists. 2. It is often associated with pituitary gigantism. 3. The strongest support for this theory of theropod gigantism comes from what is known about the rise of T. rex, however. 4. We...
www.kuaihz.com/tid14/00300172... 2025-1-17


造句 菜谱 歌词 英文造句 英文歌词 词库+curcumin造句 1. MTr test showed that curcumin was cytotoxic to cells. 2. Curcumin, JNK blocker , blocked the growth inhibition by ATRA. 3. However, Curcumin had an obvious effect on improving rat forelimb spasm induced by tryptamine hydrochloride. 4. Obje...
www.kuaihz.com/tid14/00300111... 2025-1-16


公署造句 31) 同年10月,女警刘芙仙和吴有兰被派往川康绥靖主任公署被服厂,检查女工在生产中夹带棉花回家的情况。 32) 联合国难民事务高级专员公署统计,2011年以来索马里有。 33) 信封正面右上角用毛笔书写着“送呈遂宁”四个字,红框内写着“专员公署钧启”。 34) 2日,香港特区廉政公署起诉一名香港公共屋邨互助...
www.kuaihz.com/tid14/0020017179... 2025-1-10