GitHub - Provenance-Emu/Provenance: iOS & tvOS multi-emulator...
Provenance would be nothing without these projects. Please consider supporting those you love or want to see improved! Feel free to suggest/request features or report bugs by posting an issue, but please read up on ourIssues Usagefirst, before posting. ...
github.com/Provenance-Emu/Provena... 2025-2-18
GitHub - kubernetes/website: Kubernetes website and...
Kubernetes website and documentation repo: . Contribute to kubernetes/website development by creating an account on GitHub.
github.com/kubernetes/webs... 2025-2-18
Cornell Information Science |
We're Hiring! HPSpeech: Sonar-equipped headphones read silent speech Ruidong Zhang, a Cornell doctoral student in the field of information science, is the lead developer of HPSpeech, a micro-sonar system that transforms off-the-shelf headphones into a silent-speech reader. ...
infosci.cornell.edu/ 2025-2-15
配置IIS 万维网发布服务 - Internet Information Services |...
默认情况下,脚本监视名为“默认网站”的网站和名为DefaultAppPool的应用程序池。 如果这些不是正确的网站和应用程序池,请SITE_NAME and APP_POOL_NAME更改变量。 确保所有群集节点上都存在脚本中的相同网站和应用程序池。 备注 名称区分大小写。 导航到管理工具,然后选择“故障转移群集管理器”。
support.microsoft.com/kb/970759... 2025-2-17
GitHub - microsoft/TypeScript-Website: The Website and web...
Translations:microsoft/TypeScript-Website-Localizations Getting Started This repo uses pnpm workspaces with node 18+, andwatchman. (Windows users can installwatchman via chocolatey) With those set up, clone this repo and runpnpm install. git clone https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript-websitecdTy...
github.com/microsoft/TypeScript-Webs... 2025-2-15
GitHub - vuejs/awesome-vue: 🎉 A curated list of awesome...
Official site: https://vue-data-ui.graphieros.com/ vue-speedometer - Vue component for showing speedometer like gauge using d3. Time Display time / date / age bs-vue-timeline - An alternative responsive boostrap-vue timeline v-idle - A Vue.js plugin to detect idle/non-active users. vue...
github.com/vuejs/awesome-... 2025-2-19
Cross-Site Request Forgery Prevention - OWASP Cheat Sheet...
IMPORTANT: Remember that Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) can defeat all CSRF mitigation techniques! See the OWASPXSS Prevention Cheat Sheetfor detailed guidance on how to prevent XSS flaws. First, check if your framework hasbuilt-in CSRF protectionand use it ...
www.owasp.org/index.php/CSRF_Prevent... 2025-2-3
凯莱英:目前正依托美国波士顿研发中心、英国Sandwich Site等海外...
公司目前正在依托美国波士顿研发中心、英国Sandwich Site等海外研发生产平台进一步厚植海外市场。目前公司的研发、生产经营、客户拓展等一切正常。二级市场股价的波动受诸多因素的影响,请投资者理性投资,并注意投资风险。 (记者 王瀚黎) 免责声明:本文内容与数据仅供参考,不构成投资建议,使用前核实。据此操作,风险自担。
http://www.nbd.com.cn/articles/2025-02-19/3756742.html 2025-2-19