
GitHub - cure53/DOMPurify: DOMPurify - a DOM-only, super-fast...

It's easy. Just include DOMPurify on your website.Using the unminified development versionUsing the minified and tested production version (source-map available)Afterwards you can sanitize strings by executing the following code:const clean = DOMPurify.sanitize(dirty);Or maybe this, if you love...
github.com/cure53/DOMPur... 2025-2-15

GitHub - ctubio/Krypto-trading-bot: Self-hosted crypto...

master 1Branch9Tags Code Folders and files Name Last commit message Last commit date Latest commit Cannot retrieve latest commit at this time. History 5,432 Commits .github Updated lcov with continue on error. Nov 23, 2024 doc Updated very important notes. ...
github.com/ctubio/Krypto-trading-... 2025-2-15

File Exchange - MATLAB Central

Download and share free MATLAB code, including functions, models, apps, support packages and toolboxes
www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/file... 2025-2-17

JeeSite: 👍Java 低代码, 轻量级, Spring Boot, MyBatis, Flow...

JeeSite 快速开发平台,低代码,轻量级,不仅仅是一个后台开发框架,它是一个企业级快速开发解决方案,后端基于经典组合 Spring Boot、Shiro、MyBatis,前端采用分离版 Vue3、Vite、Ant Design Vue、TypeScript、Vben Admin 最先进技术栈,或者 Beetl、Bootstrap、AdminLTE 经典开发模式。
gitee.com/thinkgem/jeesi... 2025-2-16

International Student FAQ-武汉大学信息中心

Or directly open this website: http://user-serv.whu.edu.cn:8080/selfservice/ 2)login with your studentNo. , wifi password and verify-code, and click “充值” 3)choose one way to recharge your account. Tips: Wechat Pay is preferred. ...
nic.whu.edu.cn/fwzc/fwml/xsfw/xywfw/... 2025-2-10

yolox web site

YOLOX is a high-performance anchor-free YOLO, exceeding yolov3~v5 with MegEngine, ONNX, TensorRT, ncnn, and OpenVINO supported. Documentation: https://yolox.readthedocs.io/ - Megvii-BaseDetection/YOLOX
github.com/Megvii-BaseDetection/YO... 2025-2-14

mozilla tts github

mozilla/TTS master 13Branches1Tag Code README Code of conduct MPL-2.0 license TTS: Text-to-Speech for all. TTS is a library for advanced Text-to-Speech generation. It's built on the latest research, was designed to achieve the best trade-off among ease-of-training, speed and quality. ...
github.com/mozilla/... 2025-2-1

Microsoft Learn:培养开拓职业生涯新机遇的技能

为什么要获得认证? 61% 61% 的科技专业人员称其在获得认证后获得了晋升。 2021 年 Pearson VUE 的 IT 认证价值 90% 获得Microsoft 认证的开发人员的生产力高出 90%,效率提高近 60%。 为什么要获得认证? 了解社区中鼓舞人心的学习者 Ricardo Lessa
docs.microsoft.com/ 2024-12-3


喜利得(Hilti)近日推出全新解决方案SPEC2SITE,旨在改变建筑行业的结构连接设计和安装方式。 SPEC2SITE集成了高性能锚固解决方案、省心安装、先进设计软件与降低成本方法,为建筑行业带来了全面的技术革新。 该解决方案包括通过不可预测条件认证的创新锚固技术,确保在各种复杂环境下都能提供可靠的连接支持。
www.citnews.com.cn/news/202502/1941... 2025-2-17

JeeSite: 👍Java 低代码, 轻量级, Spring Boot, MyBatis, Flow...

定义众多组件,非常贴心的组件属性及小功能,符合 JeeSite 以往的设计思想,列表和表单以数据驱动视图,极大简化了业务功能开发,注释分解详见【源码解析】 为什么做数据驱动视图?前端向下兼容一直是最大的问题,有了一套相应的标准,会对框架升级帮助很大。比如你可以非常小的成本,业务代码改动非常小的情况下,去升级前端;数据...
gitee.com/thinkgem/jees... 2025-2-12