indesign是一款设计软件,设计软件难免会遇到插入表格的情况,在设计当中表格也是不可缺少的设计元素,我们应该怎么样插入表格呢,下面我详细的介绍一下插入表格的方法。 步骤: 1、首先我们执行文件>新建>文档,新建一个文档,然后我们利用左侧工具栏中的文字工具T在空白处画一个文本框。
www.jb51.net/Indesign/5427...html 2025-1-30
Remarks You can use the designMode property to put Microsoft® Internet Explorer into a mode where you can edit the current document. While the browser is in design mode, objects enter a UI-activated state when the user presses ENTER or clicks an object that has focus, or when the user ...
www.jb51.net/shouce/dhtml/properties... 2024-11-18