漏光效果示范作品: 用简单的效果,让你的图片保持更多的变换和丰富的视觉感受,以上就是漏光效果的制作了。 很多同学都觉得有快捷的方法最好,下面给大家介绍一个插件: 软件名称为Alien Skin Exposure 4,组合不同的模式和效果,多加调整,就可以拍出不一样的效果了。
www.jb51.net/photoshop/1558...html 2024-9-15
management.endpoints.web.exposure.include=* management.endpoint.health.show-details=always # 应用服务 WEB 访问端口 server.port=8801 ### RabbitMQ配置 ### # RabbitMQ主机 spring.rabbitmq.host= # RabbitMQ虚拟主机 spring.rabbitmq.virtual-host=demo # RabbitMQ服务端口 spring.rabbitmq.port...
www.jb51.net/article/2106...htm 2021-4-26
The next step was to correct the colors and make the picture natural. I used exposure and Blending methods to accomplish this, mostly Multiply, Overlay and Scene. I rendered down the ZDepth pass in 3ds Max and then I used Lens Blur to make DOF. I put Chromatic Aberration on to the pic...
www.jb51.net/3DMAX/4048...html 2024-9-15