Oracle 数据库中的全文搜索整体流程分析_oracle_脚本之家
insert into camera_reviews values (4, 'another fantastic camera from Nikon'); insert into camera_reviews values (5, 'What a terrible camera from Canon'); insert into camera_reviews values (6, 'camera is not too bad, but ok for the price'); insert into camera_reviews values (7, 'lens...
www.jb51.net/database/3190596...htm 2025-1-20
(re4get:原文:My first hard lesson was the harsh realization that Nikon's auto-focus did a better job, faster, than my 40-something eyes could)。所以当我在photoshop 7的一个早期的alpha版本中看到“自动颜色"这个命令的时候,我尽力让自己抛弃成见,去尝试使用这个命令。
www.jb51.net/photoshop/2918_a...html 2025-1-6